
Fall back into a Routine

Falling back into Routine…the Fall season is the best time to get back into the flow of things & for good reason, fall is the perfect in between phase before winter’s complete hibernation mode & also comes right after all the fun summer activities/events allow me to be poetic here but fall in a way is a ~State of Balance~  & it calls for us to do the same in our lives. Just like its “back to school” season, the start of fall is the perfect opportunity for you to get back on track & build up a steady routine once more, and yes of course a good routine always requires some supplies while that doesn’t necessarily include some glue sticks or markers, but maybe for setting up a routine you might need to supply yourself w/ the needed free time slots to carve out time so you can implement those tasks that make up your specific routine. Why build a Routine? Well that takes us to my previous point about “Balance”. Having a routine in place gives you a sense of control over the chaos of your daily life, it provides you w/ some sort of structure for you to follow on the daily which provides you w/ the calmness of having your life under control. A routine w/ specific tasks helps you to achieve your goals & as a by product puts you one step closer to your end goal as each day passes by (if followed through). The beauty of having a set routine is that it completely eliminates the load of decision fatigue off of your shoulders when it comes to the mundane daily tasks. If you have a routine established in place all you need to do is simply follow the steps along..saving up your brain power for the important stuff that require your full attention!! If you’re looking to reset your eating habits or to eat healthier then you need to setup routines for meal planning & meal prep, if you want to get fit & exercise then you need to to setup a workout routine in order to achieve that goal. A routine ensures that your goals are met, which is why I encourage you to start building a routine that is right for you. Building a routine from scratch is no easy work, it’s definitely a process…it takes efficient planning, time, dedication and most of all commitment. While it’s important to be disciplined it also requires equal parts “flexibility” for it to survive & thrive, you won’t always be on top of it & yes life may get in the way & distract you off course but know that slip ups are a normal part of any routine no matter how solid it may be, expect them & learn to roll w/ them. Make an oath to yourself that no matter how side tracked you may get you will always get back on track & hop right back on your routine treadmill & keep on going to build your routine back up. Clearly I’m biased when it comes to routines as you can tell by now & I want you to do the same, start working on your own systems & routines. If you don’t know where to start there’s no need to worry keep following for weekly tips all month long to help you establish the ultimate “routine” for you, each week will give you a tip on how to build a routine of your own.

Just in case I haven’t persuaded you to build a routine yet maybe this list of benefits will change your mind…
Benefits of having a Routine:
1) it decreases stress levels (coz you already know what you’re gonna do which is simply follow your routine)
2) it reduces decision fatigue (no need to make decisions because you already did that work when you initially setup your routine)
3) it makes your goals more achievable (a routine breaks down the tasks needed to make your goals easier to achieve)
4) gives you a sense of balance by keeping you organized

Decrease stress & Reduce decision fatigue through your Routines
Hit Reset on your old Habits & make room for new ones to form…This Fall..Fall back into a Routine!

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